The young and gifted photographer who was born in Düsseldorf, lives and works in Hamburg. Previously he worked
several years as a photo assistant, before he started his own carrer. Since a couple of years he documented the
youth and street culture around Germany and beyond the borders. He worked with some designers like "Claudia Becker",
and exhibited with the famous French publisher "Kaugummi Books", "Verve Magazine" or "Hakuin" from Zurich.
Some of his works were presented in England, Italy, France, Germany and many more.
Now the time has come for publishing another book. A book with a local relation, called "Was ist passiert". The limited
book includes many excerpts from the life of the young photographer. Driven by people, objects and nature, Jens is
always trying to challenge the bizarre. Even it's silly, the question arises: What has happened?
In the context of the book publication, YBDPT BOOKS presents in close cooperation with Jens Kaesemann
the 4 hours exhibition calls "Was ist passiert". You are cordially invited! Come over and take a glimpse.
We´re sure that you won´t regret it. Guaranteed lovely music and drinks.
"Was ist passiert" by Jens Kaesemann
Book publication & exhibition
Saturday, 21th of May 2011 / 20 H - 24 H
Kampstrasse 22 / 20357 Hamburg
For more information, please visit: